4 – 6 years

The Preschool program offers our children a well-rounded learning experience that prepares them for school and their lifelong learning journey.  They leave our program equipped with the necessary skills and talents as well as confidence and self-awareness to help them transition successfully into any school program.

Below are some highlights from our curriculum during this stage:

Cognitive Skills

Using a mixture of small group work and self-directed activities, children develop their planning skills, goal setting abilities, communication and collaborative team play in addition to time management competencies.  They are encouraged to think critically and analytical with modeling done by their teachers.  They can also solve simple word problems.

Physical Development (Fine & Gross Motor)

Children make developmental leaps through our carefully crafted writing centers where they practice letter and word formation. They also manipulate different materials for measurment and calculation. Practice has also led the children at this stage to be able to walk confidently up and down the stairs alternating feet without holding the rail, they can jump, hop, and skip following a rhyme.

Social Emotional Development

Our teachers model to the children how to handle conflict situations, cope with stress and express their anxiety or fears. They learn about respecting diversity of needs, potentials and backgrounds and how to asserts self in a socially respected way.

Self Help & Independence skills

Our teaching teams ensure that children are taught how to use the toilet independently, how to fasten their jackets, button and unbutton, zip & unzip, put on and remove socks and shoes.   Also, how to independently pack their bag at the end of day for departure to home.

Communication & Language

Our teachers plan activities to promote the children’s responsive listening skills, and model for them ways to use their expressive vocabulary to carry effective communications.

Expressive Arts & Design

Our children are encouraged to express themselves and their emotions via movement, art, drawings, music and drama.  They also construct, stack blocks vertically and horizontally, making enclosures and creating spaces.


Teachers encourage children to start using a pencil to write out and describe what they are drawing. Storytelling is used to improve text comprehension and increase vocabulary. Children are exposed to simple guided reading books.


Children are introduced to graphing, measurement comparisons and the concept of one more. The teachers demonstrate the concepts of addition as putting things together and subtracting as taking away.

Science & Technology

Planned activities foster the children’s abilities to observe, inquire, describe, question, predict, estimate as well as gather and compare data. They are also introduced to the concepts of living and non-living things.

Understanding the World

Children learn the basic needs of living things (food, water, air and shelter) and describe consequences of their scarcity.  They also role play the different jobs in the community and how together they lead to healthy and functioning societies.