2 – 3 years

Children in the age bracket of the Junior Program are by nature curious about everything in their surrounding world.  This is the age when you hear loads of inquisitive questions and lots of Whys and Hows

Our teachers interact and expand the children’s curiosities by providing vast activities to magnify their learning and further their discoveries. 

Below are examples of the areas we focus on:

Cognitive Skills

Our teachers design activities to expand the children’s attention and memory, as well as their spacial and visual perceptions with lots of matching and sorting games and plenty of open-ended questions.

Physical Development (Fine & Gross Motor)

Our little ones have by now much more control of their gross and fine muscles. Outdoor games involving running and climbing are encouraged. Activities to promote pencil control, cutting and shredding skills, pincer grasp and threading are made available in our rich classroom centers.

Social Emotional Development

We begin to expose the children to various games and stories to build their sense of empathy, compassion and what is right & wrong. We also teach them calming & coping skills and how to properly explain their frustrations and ask for help when needed.

Self Help & Independence skills

Children in this age are encouraged and supported to independently feed themselves, wash their hands, unpack their bags, clean up their toys and many other self-help skills.  KidzGround’s teachers cooperate with families to roll over those skills to the home environment too.

Communication & Language

Our teachers practice with the children negotiation skills, asking to take a turn, explaining their need and point of view. Through lots of probing questions and inquiry-based activities, the teachers facilitate the children’s journey of questioning, testing and accumulating vocabulary and language, as well as concepts.

Expressive Arts & Design

Our program’s activities nurture the imagination and creative confidence of the children by exposing them to a variety of art materials & media.  They are also exposed to a mixture of musical genres and instruments.


Following the progression of the Jolly Phonics program, children at this stage become confident in identifying the sounds of letters and their corresponding shapes, songs and movements in a fun and multisensory approach.


Hands-on activities are planned daily by our teachers to help the child understand the correlation between numbers and quantity of objects. Children are also taught patterns, shapes, and number sequence.

Science & Technology

Our teachers teach the children how to use tools to solve problems and how to demonstrate to others how certain toys operate. They also explore concepts like sink, float, dissolve and melt.

Understanding the World

Through our monthly thematic programs, children learn about the world of animals, bugs and marine life.  They also explore different means of transportation and learn the difference between them.